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Designing an Infographic: List

List Infographics

List Infographics share information in bite-sized bits and bullet points making it easier to entice viewers and for them to understand the data quickly. List Infographics are great for beginning "designers" as they are straightforward, facts are grouped together and placed in order, and visual cues play a big part.

Pro tip: By creating blocks or arrows to act as graphic prompts the viewer's eye is naturally drawn to the next point. This also works with numbers.

There are seven types of List Infographics: Simple; Step-by-Step; Quick Tips; Bullet Points; Iconic Bullet Points; Minimalist; and Horizontal. 

To sum up, list infographics take tedious or procedural data and turn it into something intriguing and unforgettable. With icons, numbers, and pictures, they take a plain text list and turn it into something appealing and fun. Because of how many different ways you can use the list infographic, it is priceless as a content tool. List Infographics can be made into a brochure, poster, or newsletter, as well as shared on social media.

Pro tip: The majority of infographics are vertical, but that doesn't work in all situations, so it helps to have the option of making it horizontal.


Simple List Infographic Example

Simple List

  • Merely, a simple list of data.

Quick Tips List Infographic Example

Quick Tips List

  • One of the most commonly selected list types.
  • Used to recap blog posts, shared on social media, or made into posters.

Iconic Bullet Points List Infographic Example

Iconic Bullet Points List

  • Similar to a Bullet Point List, but uses icons in place of the bullet points.
  • Can make a more visually pleasing piece.

Horizontal Infographic Example

Horizontal List

  • Simply put, a horizontal list
  • Can be great for sharing on social media
  • Common if designing infographics in PowerPoint

Step-by-Step List Infographic Example

Step-by-Step List

  • Provides the steps of something, whether it be how something works or the order of something.

Bullet Points List Infographic Example

Bullet Points List

  • Used when your data has several facts that can be grouped together under a header.

Minimalist List Infographic Example

Minimalist List

  • Has a classic feel.
  • Generally used for sharing lists that are more text-heavy like quotes or testimonials.


Images from:

Mohan, Ronita. "7 List Infographic Templates You Can Create for Free." Venngage, 10 Mar. 2021,