ACS Publications
Salem Press
Oxford Reference*
Click on "Cite" option (pen icon) at the top of the record.
A dialog box will open in mid-screen. First select the preferred citation style in the drop down menu and then select ".ris export citation." Once you select the .ris export option, it prompts a box to save the .ris file to your computer.
After saving the file, you will now need to import it into RefWorks. In RefWorks, select the "Add" option in the main navigation bar and select "Import References."
A new page will display and select the .ris file from your computer. As RefWorks reads the file, it will prompt a new pop-up window asking for the proper .ris format.
The drop down menu will provide many choices but if you are unsure of the correct choice, select the "RIS format." Next, an optional prompt will request a destination (i.e., folder). Simple select "Import" to add the .ris file to RefWorks.
After the import is completed, your reference will appear in RefWorks.