Welcome to the Radiologic Technology subject guide!
Looking for information about trends and issues in Radiologic Technology? Need a medical dictionary? [Stedman's] Need help finding peer-reviewed articles regarding health issues? These and many other questions can be answered with the aid of the resources located in your Radiologic Technology LibGuide.
MeSH is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus.
As nursing students you should become familiar with the medical vocabularies used in peer-reviewed journal. MeSH is a valuable tool and should be part of your working toolkit. Using MeSH terms will aid in finding useful articles for your research.
The MeSH thesaurus is used by National Library of Medicine (NLM) for indexing articles from 5,400 of the world's leading biomedical journals for the MEDLINE®/PubMED® database which is availble in your library.
If you have any research questions, please find various ways of contacting the reference staff on the library homepage at https://library.swosu.edu/ask/.
Use MeSH on Demand to generate recomendations and locate relevant citations. You can copy-and-paste a paragraph from a nursing article and MeSH on Demand will create a list of related vocabulary and ten linked citations.