On Friday, February 23rd, 2024, the SWOSU Faculty Senate ratified the motion below in support of sustainable funding for library databases, books, and periodicals.
The faculty and staff of the Al Harris Library would like to express our deep appreciation to the members of the Faculty Senate for their support of the library's mission to provide resources for learning, teaching, and research.
A Motion in Support of Sustainable Funding for Library Resources
Whereas library books, online databases, and periodicals are a central and crucial part of SWOSU’s teaching and research mission; and,
Whereas the FY24 16.4% budget reduction for library resources has forced drastic cuts in book purchases and the cancellation of numerous online database and periodical subscriptions; and,
Whereas the continued careful stewardship of library funds cannot alone alleviate the impact of repeated funding cuts and the increasing cost of library resources; and,
Whereas the funds which spare databases from cancellation increasingly must be drawn from academic departments’ budgets; and,
Whereas 70% of Oklahoma's public colleges and universities support their libraries with a per credit hour fee; therefore,
We, the Faculty of Southwestern Oklahoma State University, urge the university's leadership to institute a $2.50 per credit hour fee for the purpose of providing a much-needed and sustainable source of supplemental funding for library databases, books, and periodicals.
Ratified by the SWOSU Faculty Senate on February 23rd, 2024.