A to Z of Buddhism
R 294.303 P911a
A to Z of Hinduism
R 294.503 Su533a
Angels A to Z
R 291.21503 L5872a
Atlas of the World’s Religions
R 291.O223
Baker’s Bible Atlas
R 220.91 P47b
Biographical Dictionary of American Cult and Sect Leaders
R 922.919 M495b
Biographical Dictionary of Christian Theologians
R 230.0922 B52
Concise Encyclopedia of Language and Religion
R 403 C748 2001
Contemporary Religious Ideas
R 16.291 C767
Dictionary of Comparative Religion
R 291.03 D561
Dictionary of Non-Christian Religions
R 290.3 P248d
Dictionary of Science and Creationism
R 231.765 Ec56d
Distinguished Native American Spiritual Practitioners and Healers
R 299.7 J698d
Encyclopaedia Judaica
R 296.03 E5632
Encyclopedia of African and African American Religions
R 299.603 En192
Encyclopedia of American Catholic History
R 282.7303 En195 1997
Encyclopedia of American Religious History
R 200.97303 Q315e
Encyclopedia of American Women and Religion
R 200.820973 B441e
Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism
R 291.23 En195 2000
Encyclopedia of Buddhism
R 294.303 E5638
The Encyclopedia of Christian Literature
R 261.5803 E5636c
Encyclopedia of Christianity
R 230.003 W893
Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects, & New Religions
R 200.3 En192 2002
Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism
R 200.90403 En195
Encyclopedia of Hell
R 291.23 V26e
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World
R 909.097671 En195
Encyclopedia of Islam in the United States
R 297.0973 E564
Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements
R 306.1 En196 2000
Encyclopedia of Mormonism
R 289.303 En195
Encyclopedia of Native American Religions: An Introduction
R 970.62 H616e
Encyclopedia of Religion
R 200.3 En195
Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics
R 203 En19
Encyclopedia of Religion and Society
R 301.5803 En192
Encyclopedia of Religious Controversies in the United States
R 200.973 E56 2013
Encyclopedia of Religious Freedom
R 323.44203 En197
Encyclopedia of Right-Wing Extremism in Modern American History
R 303.484 A873 2011
Encyclopedia of Sacred Places
R 291.3503 B783e
Encyclopedia of Saints
R 282.0922 G945e 2001
Encyclopedia of the Crusades
R 909.07 An252e
Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls
R 296.15503 En195
Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion
R 200.82 En195 1999
Encyclopedic Sourcebook of New Age Religions
R 299.93 N48 En198 2003
Handbook of Denominations in the U.S.
R 200.973 M461h 2001
Handbook of Hindu Mythology
R 398.2095 W7233h
The Hajj today: A Survey of the Contemporary Makkah Pilgrimage
Historical Atlas of Islam
R 911.17671 F877h 2002
Historical Dictionary of Hinduism
R 294.503 Su533h
Historical Dictionary of Islam
R 297.03 Ad14h 2001
Historical Dictionary of Prophets in Islam & Judaism
R 296.0922 N68h
Historical Dictionary of Reformed Churches
R 284.209 B434h
Historical Dictionary of Shinto
R 299.56103 P5858h 2002
Historical Dictionary of the Shakers
R 289.803 D8738h
Historical Dictionary of Zionism
R 320.5409569403 M4697h
History of the Christian Church
R 270 Sch14h
I Ching: An Annotated Bibliography
R 016.299512 H116i
Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God
R 297.63 M952
The Literature of Islam: A Guide to the Primary Sources in English Translation
R 016.297 S629
New Catholic Encyclopedia
R 282.03 N42 2003
Oxford Dictionary of Saints
R 270.0922 F229o4
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
R 270.603 Ox255
Papacy: An Encyclopedia
R 282.0922 P197 2002
Peyotism and the Native American Church: An Annotated Bibliography
R 970.62 W585p
Pilgrimage: From the Ganges to Graceland: An Encyclopedia
R 291.35103 D2836p
Religion and the Law: A Dictionary
R 342.73085203 An465r
Religions of the World
R 291 R279 2002
Satanism Today: Encyclopedia of Religion, Folklore and Popular Culture
R 133.42203 L587s
The Literature of Islam: A Guide to the Primary Sources in English Translation
R 016.297 S629
The Religious Right
R 277.3 Ut85r
Traditional Festivals: A Multicultural Encyclopedia
R 394.2603 R888
Witchcraft Today: Encyclopedia of Wiccan & Neopagan Traditions
R 133.4303 L587w
World Christian Encyclopedia
R 230.003 W893A