Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This federal agency coordinates the National Center for Health Statistics and its FastStats interface.FastStats provides selected statistics on a variety of health topics, as well as various reports and publications. Statistics are broken down by specific populations.
Indian Health Service
The Division of Program Statistics provides American Indian/Alaska Native demographic and patient care information including statistical tables and charts discussing health trends and regional differences.
Office of Minority Health
This office publishes Minority Population Profiles which provides statistics by minority group or health topic.
Inter-University Consortium on Political and Social Research
Resource Center for Minority Data
Access to data sets for secondary analysis, some with options for online analysis.
Kaiser Family Foundation
Racial Equity and Health Policy
Collection of reports and fact sheets, many with statistical information and with a focus on policy and health care coverage.
Women's Health Policy
Collection of reports and fact sheets, many with statistical information.
Women's Health Data Book: A Profile of Women's Health in the United States
"This book addresses social and economic factors and provides up-to-date information on chronic conditions, reproductive health, mental health, violence, health behaviors, and access to and quality of health services received by women. Information is included on disparities in health status and access to care among subgroups of women, highlighting the populations of women who are at greatest risk. Additional fact sheets highlighting key data from the book are also available."
National Longitudinal Survey of Mature and Young Women
The National Longitudinal Survey of Mature and Young Women includes 5,083 women who were ages 30-44 when first interviewed in 1967, while the Young Women’s cohort includes 5,159 women who were ages 14-24 when first interviewed in 1968. Data for both cohorts are available through 2003, when active surveying was discontinued.