Here are some suggestions for open-source peer reviewed sources and platforms for your course on public health research and epidemiology focusing on Native American/Alaska Native communities:
- PubMed Central (PMC) - A free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature operated by the National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine. Contains millions of full-text peer-reviewed journal articles.
- BioMed Central - An open access science publisher that offers peer-reviewed articles across all areas of biology and medicine.
- PLOS (Public Library of Science) - A nonprofit open access scientific publishing project covering all areas of science and medicine. Publications include PLOS Medicine and PLOS ONE.
- BMJ Open - An open access medical journal published by the British Medical Journal covering all medical disciplines. Articles go through peer review.
- SAGE Open - An open access journal from SAGE Publishing covering quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research in the social and behavioral sciences and humanities.
- JMIR Public Health and Surveillance - An open access journal focusing on digital public health research methods and surveillance. Published by JMIR Publications.
- Open Science Framework (OSF) - A free open-source project management platform to collaborate on research projects and share articles, data, and materials. Can connect with GitHub to share code.