Kaiser Family Foundation
The Global Health Policy section of the website provides reports on global health, HIV/AIDS, budgets and more. The previous Global Health Facts initiative sponsored by Kaiser ceased in 2016.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Health Care Use provides an overview of OECD health care data such as hospital stays, hospital equipment and vaccination rates.
World Bank
The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank data sources. Relevant databases include: World Development Indicators, Health Nutrition Population Statistics, and Millenial Development Indicators.
World Health Organization
Data and Statistics serves as an entryway to all data and statistical information provided by the WHO including the Statistical Information System, Global InfoBase Online, Global Health Atlas, regional statistics, and statistics by topic.
World Health Statistics Report is an annual publication presenting the most recent health statistics for WHO's 193 Member States.
The GHO Global Health Observatory provides epidemiological and statistical information available from a variety of sources at the country or regional level. Most WHO technical programs make statistical information available and links are provided. Indicators cover the following categories: mortality and burden of disease, health service coverage, risk factors, health systems resources, inequities, demographic and socioeconomic statistics.
U.S. Census Bureau
The International Data Base offers global demographic and vital statistics indicators for countries and regions of the world available from 1950 with projections to 2050.
The Demographic and Health Surveys Program
Demographic and health indicators cover the following topics: child survival, family planning, HIV/AIDS prevention, infectious diseases control, maternal health and socioeconomic. Create custom tables with countries or regions of the world with time series option from 1950 to 2050. Country reports also available.
STATcompiler allows you to create custom tables from the Demographic and Health Surveys program. Indicators are available for over 70 countries and cover topics such as household characteristics, fertility, family planning, early childhood mortality, maternal and child health, maternal and child nutrition, HIV/AIDS, and malaria. Country quickstats are also available.
Health Overview links to tables and publications on public health and health and safety at work from the official statistical organization of the European Union.
Pan American Health Organization coordinates PLISA (the Health Information Platform for the Americas) allows you to link to country profiles on a range of health indicators.