MLA Magazine Article Citation
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Name or Initial. "Title of Source." Title of Container, Day Month Year, Location = Pages.
Matesi, Ann. "Living Well." Professional Builder, Dec. 2001, pp. 40-50.
Mead, Walter Russell. "The Debt We Owe the Dutch." Newsweek, 27 Apr. 2009, p. 39.
These are sources from print copies of articles. Identify the page or pages using the abbreviations p. for a one page article or pp. for an article longer than one page.
MLA ONLINE Magazine Article Citations
Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Name or Initial. "Title of Source." Title of Container 1, Day Month Year, Location. Title of Container 2, Location.
Barger, Theresa Sullivan. "Munro Shoes--Made in America." Saturday Evening Post, May/June
2009, pp. 30-33. Academic Search Complete.
Egan, Nicole Weisensee. "Creator John Hanke Pokémon GO FEVER!" People, 1 Aug. 2016, p. 50. Academic Search
Medland, Dina. "Sole Contender for U.K. Prime Minister Vows to Tackle High Pay and Put Workers on PLC Boards."
Forbes, 11 July 2016.,
Parks, Bob. "The Courage of His Conviction." Bloomberg Businessweek, 13 June 2016, pp. 104-106. Business Source
Do not include http:// as part of your url. Begin with the first letter that follows //. Use the URL for sources found on the open web.