Numbers 1, 2, and 9 are always followed by periods. The other items that become part of the complete entry are followed by commas.
*(3) When the source documented is part of a larger whole, it is considered to be a container. Good of examples of this are periodical titles. For example, if you are using an article from a specific journal, the container for the article is the journal.
*(4) Other contributors would include editors, narrators, directors, adaptors, or others who have worked on the preparation of the work or production.
*(5) This information relates to the edition of a book. Revised edition, 3rd edition, updated edition are examples of information that should be included in the citation.
*(6) With a book, this entry is used to establish the volume number of the book used. For periodicals, it will include the volume number and possibly the issue number.
*(7) This part of the entry identifies the name of the company responsible for publication of the work. Note that the city where the company is located is no longer added to the citation.
*(8) Web sources may include a number of publication dates, so when a source carries more than one date, use the one most relevant to your use of the source.
*(9) The location refers to page numbers in print sources. An online source will require the addition of a web address or a doi.